Crown Jewels of Finance: Hilda Moraa’s Trailblazing Innovations

Narrating on her social media, it was an expected journey to South Africa. After years of hard work, finally she dropped the tears of Joy. She could not hide her amusement after bagging the Forbes Award. ” I cried when I received the Tech & Innovation Award yesterday from Forbes Africa. I just showed up in Johannesburg not knowing I was the winner.” The Lady from Kisii Highlands narrates of her

Hilda is the founder and CEO of Pezesha, A FnTech company offering solutions to MSMES in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Maraa is vision is to ensure that all SMES in Africa are capable of accessing the working capital. Taking advantage of being CBK licensed, Pezesh standards in a good ground of accessing and growing external markets outside East Africa.

At Pezesha, Borrowers are also provided with educational tips on how to improve their credit scores and savings. Individuals can use Pezesha to build an investment portfolio, backing consumer loans and earning monthly returns between 2 and 5 per cent.

It seems Moraa is on the start, “I asked myself, why me when I am just getting started? No amount of words can express what this award means to me in such a time when we are celebrating women who inspire inclusion #iwd2024” She said after crowned.

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