The benefits of IA functions moving to agile auditing

  • When an organization or programme is using an agile approach, ‘Agile Auditing’ delivers better alignment and provides real-time assurance rather than retrospective assurance.
  • An ‘Agile’ approach helps the audit team eradicate low value work and realis efficiencies that allow them to focus more time and effort on higher value, complex audits.
  • Stakeholders have a better audit experience as they receive informal assurance early in the audit process and have more opportunity to clear up misunderstandings at the outset.
  • Huddles: Junior members benefit from closer involvement in all aspects of the audit and are able to demonstrate competency earlier.
  • Audit teams stay together during the course of most audits, challenging the view that continually moving people into new teams is effective or efficient.
  • Agile is a term used to describe a set of principles and methodologies that were initially formed for use in software development and popularized by the Agile Manifesto for Software Development in 2001. This included the four values below and12 principles that focus on delivering continuous delivery and collaboration. The values shown here recognize that while all elements are needed, those in bold should take precedence over those italicized.
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

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