In a move aimed at safeguarding the rights of copyright holders, the Kenyan government, through the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO), has announced plans to implement a Blank Tape Levy. This levy, which will come into effect on September 15, 2023, is designed to address the issue of potential revenue loss faced by creators when individuals make personal copies of copyrighted content using blank media and devices such as CDs, DVDs, USB drives, and smartphones.

Key Highlights:

Purpose of the Levy: The primary purpose of the Blank Tape Levy is to provide financial compensation to copyright holders for the potential revenue they may lose when individuals create private copies of their copyrighted works, including music, movies, and software.

Effective Date: The tax is scheduled to be enforced from September 15, 2023, signaling a proactive approach by KECOBO and the Kenyan government in protecting intellectual property.

Scope of the Levy: The levy will be applicable to the sale of various blank media and devices, including CDs, DVDs, USB drives, and smartphones. This broad coverage ensures that potential avenues for copyright infringement are adequately addressed.

Nominal Fee: The levy is described as nominal, which suggests that it aims to strike a balance between compensating copyright holders and ensuring that the cost is reasonable for consumers.

Supporting Creative Industries: By implementing this levy, Kenya recognizes the significance of its creative industries and aims to provide a fair and sustainable mechanism for creators to receive compensation for their intellectual property.

The levy is paid by the manufacturers or importers of the blank media or devices.

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